
St Columba C.of E.

Primary School

Growing futures, rooted in Love, Hope and Respect

Children's Wellbeing

Our Aims For Mental Health and Wellbeing

At St Columba CE Academy, we recognise that good mental health and wellbeing is as important as good physical health.  


Our aim is to help develop the protective factors which build resilience to mental health problems and wellbeing and be a school where:

  • all pupils are valued
  • pupils have a sense of belonging and feel safe
  • pupils feel able to talk openly with trusted adults about their problems
  • positive mental health is promoted and valued
  • bullying is not tolerated



  • Whole School Provision: This is the foundation for our mental health and wellbeing offer.  Children learn about mental health as part of their Personal, Social and Health Education lessons and Thrive Approach is embraced throughout all we do
  • Thrive: At St Columba CE Academy we are proud to be a Thrive school. We know that children learn best in school when they are happy and settled. and that their mental health and wellbeing is supported so they may flourish. At St Columba we are using the Thrive Approach to help us develop our pupils’ emotional and social well-being. Thrive helps us to check children’s readiness to learn, to identify any gaps and then plan to meet them. Through doing so, we will be able to make sure that all of our pupils have what they need to make the best possible progress in their learning.  Thrive Parent Guide
  • DCAT Wellbeing Framework : A Trust Wide Framework for Wellbeing supports all members of the school community DCAT Wellbeing Framework
  • Enhanced support: Some children who may be experiencing mental health and wellbeing difficulties may require enhanced support. There are lots of ways we can support children in school ranging from a simple chat, organising a playtime buddy, to a series of individual or group sessions with our Children's Wellbeing Support Lead, our ELSA or our Family Liaison Officer. Occasionally, some children may benefit from expert mental health professionals.  We can help families to access this support and work with external agencies as best we can.


If you are concerned about your child and would like to discuss any wellbeing/mental health concerns, please contact a member of our Children's Wellbeing Team:

Useful websites and links


Young Minds A national charity which has advice for children and their parents about many aspects of mental health

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families  This organisation has a lot of advice and support for families to support their children with mental health concerns and worries.

Child in Mind Podcasts Child in Mind have worked collaboratively with Anna Freud (National Centre for Children and Families) to create a set of podcasts about different aspects of children's mental health and wellbeing.

MindEd for Families This website contains lots of advice for parents to help them support their children with their mental health

Mind A national charity which offers support and guidance to families.

e-wellbeing A website for children to access advice and support if they are feeling anxious or worried.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

Butterflies Child Therapy This is a paid for service, but offers equine therapy and counselling sessions for young people who are struggling emotionally or with their mental health

Parent Help & Guidance - The Lily Jo Project This website offers advice on supporting your child with anxiety, when they are feeling angry or sad and offers tips on building resilience. It also has a parent forum, regular podcasts and webinars around supporting your child with their mental health.



