Vision for Inclusion and High Quality SEND support
At St. Columba Church of England Primary School we believe strongly in the transformative power of education as illustrated in our vision “Growing futures, rooted in Love, Hope and Respect”. We believe all learners are unique.
Our vision for the pupils of St Columba is to generate a culture of inclusivity, where ambitious and resilient learners are all motivated and given the tools they need to succeed in their education journey.
Inclusive education benefits all. All children bring a diversity to the classroom, where we can all can learn from one another's abilities and unique qualities. Every child should feel safe and have a feeling of belonging within their classroom and the wider school. This is possible with the passion of our educators, training, a supportive environment, and the encouragement and involvement of parents/carers.
It is important to remember that all children progress at different rates and some may require additional support for a short period, or some for the duration of their education. Our team of Teachers and LSAs work under the direction of the SENDCo to implement the graduated approach to SEND (Assess plan, do, review) in order to identify needs and support children to make progress.
The Four Broad Areas of SEND are:
Communication and interaction (C&I)
Cognition and learning (C&L)
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH)
Sensory and/or physical needs (S/PD)
We are committed to constantly improving the educational provision for children who experience barriers to learning. We have recently been recognised as a Centre of Excellence by obtaining our Inclusion Quality Mark.
Report Highlights:
The School SENDCo
Our school SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) is Mrs K Viola.
If you have any questions about your child's progress, in the first instance please talk to the class teacher. They will be able to talk to you about any concerns or worries you may have. As part of the graduated approach to SEND, Mrs Viola may become involved in supporting staff to implement strategies to support your child. Please also feel free to talk to Mrs Viola or arrange an appointment if you do have any concerns.
SEND Information report
As part of the SEN Code of Practice (2015), all schools are required to publish a SEND information report. The report outlines how at St Columba C of E Primary School, we identify, assess and make provision for learners with SEND. You can view the report below. If you would like to talk further about the content of the report, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Viola (SENDCo).